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Wednesday 1 August 2012

Meen Pattichathu or Meen Peera with Ilumbi-puli

This easy fish curry can be prepared using small fishes like Anchovies or Sardines (called 'Nethili' or 'Mathi' respectively in Kerala).


Natholi washed and cleaned      -  500gm
Ilumbi-puli ('Bimbool')                 - 250gm

Green chillies                                  - 6nos

Green pepper seeds (if available)
Ginger                                                - 5” size

Garlic                                                  - half a pod.
Small onions                                     - 8 nos.

Coconut                                             - half coconut grated
Salt to taste.


Mix all the ingredients together add half a cup of water and cook in a small flame, after boiling.  When all the water is dried up put off the fire and the curry is ready. Tastes best when cooked on "manchatti" (pan made of clay).

1 comment:

  1. Hi, so yum. Bringing back taste and memories. You do have some rare tasty recipes. Do post more.
